6 Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use

Customer focus is a great feature. And not only for buyers. These companies provide 5,7 times higher profitability than non-customer-centric businesses. Therefore, we will tell you how to ensure the presence of such in the copywriting support service.
1. Speak the client’s language
It is important to be understood. And in an appropriate way. Communication with the audience invariably involves encoding and decoding the message. This cannot be avoided.
The company has some idea or thought that it wants to share with customers. It is formulated as text. During writing, certain slang, manner of presentation, tone and terminology are used. Then the text goes to the client. While reading, he interprets what is written based on his own perception. And at this point, companies need to be careful. The greatest danger is misunderstanding (decoding) of the underlying idea (message).
To avoid this, it is important to know your target audience. What are its values? What age? What is the usual language of communication? Does it contain terms? If so, which ones? All that you can use or just a part?
By answering such questions, the company understands the language of communication with clients, which is useful not only for copywriting. A good understanding of the client’s language will have a positive effect on SEO, advertising messages and business confidence. Users feel that they are communicating with a real person.
An important point is the use of terminology. Is it worth it or not? The answer depends on who the target audience of the business is. On the one hand, the user must understand what is written. On the other hand, completely excluding the use of technical terms, the company may seem like an amateur. Especially if she is selling a complex product. It is also relevant for the B2B market.
To know what terms your target audience uses, you need to understand them well. So do your customer research first. The better you know them, the more high-quality and useful content you can provide. This in turn requires high-quality marketing analysis. If this isn’t your company’s strong suit, you can leverage AI writers to assist with research and content creation. AI writers can analyze vast amounts of data to identify keywords and topics that resonate with your target audience. Additionally, you can invest in employee training through masterclasses and online courses to strengthen your internal marketing capabilities. This combined approach can help you achieve impressive results and save time.
2. Know customer behavioral psychology
It defines the interaction with customers. Owning it, the business understands what to focus on and what opportunities are of no value to users. Knowledge of behavioral psychology provides flexibility in communication. Therefore, it needs to be investigated.
Eliminate negative experiences
This recommendation is relevant for all ways of interacting with users. That is, for copywriting and support. Nobody can please everyone. It is an axiom that holds true for people, companies and products. However, according to research, 51% of consumers will never do business with a company after one negative experience. That is why, it is so important to solve the problem very quickly. Otherwise, you will permanently lose this client.
To do this, you should:
- track negative experiences;
- work with it.
For example, an angry review was left on the site. The worst solution would be to ignore it. First, the customer will have a bad experience with the company or its product. Secondly, a person can accurately share experiences with friends and acquaintances. Thirdly, other users will see the review. Consequently, the company will also notice the lack of reaction to it.
However, the problem can be fixed before it occurs. To do this, maintain a positive attitude towards the copywriting situation. In particular, when writing a response to a client, as well as through describing possible experiences in articles. Suggest a solution right away. It’s also worth keeping a friendly tone in your content. It will help to position the client and demonstrate that you are always happy to help. Even if it gets tricky, users will know who to turn to or how to change the experience to a positive one.
Give choice
By offering several options for solving the same problem, you become more flexible. It is important that the options are relevant. In such a case, the business offers choices that provide a more personalized experience.
How is it done? If we talk about communication between support representatives, then interaction scenarios should be developed. Based on them, the specialist will be able to provide a positive experience in each case of interaction.
In the context of content creation, this idea is embodied in a slightly different way. The task is to offer options and describe each. To do this, describe the benefits of each solution and the likelihood of a positive outcome in certain situations. Also provide good advice. Thus, you will not only post content, but share knowledge that helps solve customer problems.
Try to provide a choice in every purchase. Even two options are better than nothing. For example, offer multiple payment and shipping methods. If you sell services, then develop a couple of options for those. Be sure to keep customer priorities in mind. The options must meet the needs of the target audience.
End on a strong note
Human attention has its own characteristics. You can ignore them, and hope that this will not affect the perception of your content. Or you can accept the rules of the game and use them to your advantage. One of the features is that a person best remembers the beginning and the end of something. This applies to performances, films and information.
So make sure your content ends on a strong and compelling note. Calls to action work great. They can be different. The most common is a call for an order. However, this is not the only option. You can also be encouraged to continue reading, subscribe to social media accounts, or simply ask for feedback. It all depends on the type of content. Choose the appropriate option and use it to make your articles stronger and more convincing.
Using tools such Grammarly or the services of a professional from Preply.com will allow you to proofread and edit your messages so you never miss a spelling error again. The more careful you are about correcting simple mistakes, the easier it will be for you to notice them as you write in the future.
3. Customer Needs – Key Content Line
Healthy narcissism is good. However, your satisfaction with achievements, innovations, or improvements means little to your customers. What matters is the benefit they are given. Therefore, phrases like “we offer” and “our products” are not very convincing. It is worth reformulating them.
By replacing “we can offer” with “you will receive”, you will dramatically change the course of content. He becomes customer-oriented. This is the essence of such copywriting.
Let’s take a look at an example. Let’s say a company makes dishwashing detergent. Having invested a lot of money and time on development, we managed to improve the formula. The company might say, “We have replaced the previously used PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate with glyceryl palmate.” However, for most clients this is not very clear.
If you put the customer in the center of copywriting, then the company will prefer to talk about the benefits that the product provides. For example, talking about the greater delicacy of the new formula for hand skin. It sounds more attractive. Try to always put the client, his wishes and needs first, and you will be chosen even from hundreds of companies.
4. Be empathetic with your customers
The support service is a lifeguard who helps to resolve emerging problems. And of varying complexity. The problem can be minor and can be fixed in one step. Or it can be difficult and require a replacement product. However, regardless of the complexity of the situation, the support service must help remove or fix the trouble. And in a way that will satisfy the client as much as possible.
This outcome is facilitated by:
- Acceptance of the problem by a support specialist.
- Perception of the situation as one that makes it possible to help the client.
- Willingness and ability to solve problems.
It is also important to understand the client’s situation. This is where empathy is extremely appropriate. By being sympathetic, the professional shows that he understands the client’s situation, shares the person’s frustration, and is willing to help fix the problem. A support team’s job is largely about working with emotions and opinions. The ability to understand and express them is very valuable.
It gives users the feeling that they really want to be helped. Accordingly, the person will be satisfied. This is a great way to eliminate negative experiences and replace them with positive ones.
How does empathy translate into copywriting? This is done very simply:
- State the problem.
- Try to understand the client’s feelings.
- Express their frustration.
- Show respect and commitment to make things right.
For example, let’s say you sell sneakers. Somehow the client got a damaged pair of shoes. Then you can write: “I am very sorry that you received defective sneakers. I understand how frustrating this can be. Let me know the details of your order and see how I can help you in this situation. ” It’s enough.
5. Do customer training
This is especially true for complex products, as well as services in which the result also depends on the client. For example, the educational sphere. But the cases described above are not the only ones in which it is worth taking the time to educate clients.
If the product is updated, supplemented, or expanded, then it is worth reporting. Also inform about other changes affecting the purchase or use of the product / service. The same goes for company-related updates. If there is anything that can affect the user experience, then tell us about it.
Customers will appreciate the care. This attitude of business towards users is respectable. Plus, people understand what they are paying for – knowledge and specialized skills.
This solution harmoniously fits into the communication of the support service with customers. The problem can be solved. And you can teach the client to eliminate it on their own, thereby bringing more benefit. Plus, the likelihood of a repetition of negative experiences is excluded. And the company increases its own credibility for customers.
6. Use feedback to your advantage
Positive reviews are always encouraging. Unlike the negative ones. However, the truth is that all kinds of feedback can be used for the good of the company. The main thing is a constructive approach.
First of all, you need to collect customer reviews. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do. In addition to your business accounts and website, there are many sites where customers can share their experiences.
On independent resources, opinions are frank. Accordingly, not always pleasant. However, even the most outrageous comment is good for the company. After evaluating it constructively, you will understand what needs to be improved in the product or in the client policy. Correctly eliminate weaknesses.
The situation is similar with positive reviews. They are certainly more enjoyable to read. However, even the most grateful and enthusiastic reviews should be taken constructively.
Separate the author’s emotions from the data. Perhaps the person liked that the manager provided certain information. Check which one. Perhaps the client liked the UX design and the ease of ordering on the site.
These are all business benefits. They are worth knowing and using. For example, when forming USP. Also, these are the strengths of the company that should be used in messages to customers.
Any feedback is an opportunity. It can be used as a vector indicating the direction of the company’s development. Testimonials also show why customers come back to you.
You can deal with them as follows:
- Positive reviews. They demonstrate the strengths of the company. Use information from them in advertising and content for promotion. Also, positive comments can justify the increase in the cost of products or services.
- Negative reviews are challenges faced by users. First, they show areas of development. Second, they show the places where customers need help. It can be provided just through customer-oriented copywriting and training. Frequently asked questions can be placed in the FAQ section. If users regularly need help with a specific task, then write a relevant blog article. You can also create a video tutorial using an online video editor. One action will increase the credibility of the company, the number of satisfied customers, as well as the value of the business for users.
Customer focus is a business strategy that puts the user’s needs at the center of all activities. It requires a willingness to accept gratitude and criticism. And not always constructive. However, by perceiving even negative messages as opportunities for growth and improved service quality, the business becomes more valuable. First of all, because it works with what many ignore.